Taking The Guesswork Out of Lead Generation

Generating new prospects isn't easy. With changes in consumer behavior and the rising costs of digital marketing, deciding on how to spend limited advertising dollars is becoming even more difficult. Although no foolproof solution exists, performance marketing has proven to be one of the best investments when calculating Return on Ad Spend.
Pay-per-call is the fastest-growing segment of performance marketing because it allows advertisers to purchase high-intent, inbound calls from specialized lead-gen publishers at scale. This is an effective lead generation tactic for high-touch service businesses that typically require a phone conversation somewhere in the sales cycle.
In this white paper you will learn:
- How you can attract new customers through pay-per-call
- The answers to all your basic questions about pay-per-call including:
- "What is pay-per-call?"
- "What is a pay-per-call network, and why should I work with one?"
- "What industries are successful with pay-per-call?"
- "How do I measure the performance of my campaign?"
- And more
- "What is pay-per-call?"
- How to be successful with your first pay-per-call campaign
- If pay-per-call is right for you